
Hello! it's your Journalism House representative!

hello everyone or should i say journalists!
it's me! John Nulud, your Course representative for the academic year 2008-2009

the elections is over and i was elected to be your course representative.
thanks for the votes!

it was during the elections when i saw there were more than 5 journalism students in the 2nd year.
all i know is that there is only 1, edward sumile.

well anyway i posted this blog to reach out to each and every journalism students in Colegio de San Juan de Letran. As your representative i am very serious to serve you guys and make us, the journalism students of letran to be known around the campus, syempre kelangan sikat! hehe...

please don't hesitate to approach me if you have some concerns. I will be available at the Student Council office since we have our own attendace record at the office.

and you can reach me by Yahoo messenger too!
bumpy.john@yahoo.com is the e-mail address, please add your course so that i can seperate you guys and girls into a different group

EX: (First: John Last: Nulud - JOURN)

so i will be updating you guys about our projects concerning journalism students!

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